Target Location

Target Group

Amr Abdelgayed, Annalisa Caruso – Spain

Jovesolides Spain

CON VALORES Network. October 19th. MatchUp©

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About Jovesolides Spain

We are two persons who will present our organization:
1- Amr Abdelgayed
2-Annalisa Caruso
Jovesólides is an NGO based by youth in a vulnerable community in the surrounding of Valencia city. The work/projects of this organization is mainly focused on youth as a target group, but it is also attending all diverse kinds of vulnerable communities and society in general when it comes the chance to promote a new vision of social integration and social inclusion. This organization has experience in diverse areas of work as:

1-E-inclusion, including labor inclusion of vulnerable communities,
2-Social awareness / Education for development and volunteering, also focused in content as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
3-International Cooperation for Development, mainly focused on the Youth capacity building in the latin american context,
4-Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, as one of the main areas developed by the organization, also mainstreamed in the previous areas.

Projects by: Jovesolides Spain

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

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