Target Location

Target Group

Anca Puia – Romania


CON VALORES Network. October 19th. MatchUp©

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About SNRB

– Founded in 2010
– Battery PRO organization
– Founding Member of EUCOBAT – the pan-European organization of the Battery PRO –
– Member in the EUCOBAT Bord of Directors
– Founding member RENEOS – The pan-European network of battery collection systems
especially those from electric vehicles. The RENEOS members are mainly PRO
organizations and car producers
– Experience in national and European legislation in terms of waste management of electric
and electronic bonds (WEEE) and battery and accumulator waste (DBA)
– Running European projects in terms of circular economy, energy efficiency, waste
– Partnership with local authorities
– Partnership with central authorities: Environment Ministry, Development Ministry and
Education ministry
– Educational projects in schools

Projects by: SNRB

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

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