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Eski Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti Gönüllüleri Gençlik Derneği (Trex-Evs)

CON VALORES Network. October 19th. MatchUp©

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About Trex-Evs

Trex-Evs association was created in 2007 with the aim of providing common space for Turkish Ex-EVS volunteers. The association is based in İzmir city of Turkey, which is the 3rd biggest metropolitan in Turkey. We mainly focus on activities designed for youth mobility, inclusion of disadvantaged, democracy and youth mobility. As TREX-EVS board members and volunteers we consider the below written values in each work we do and in our projects as a point of perspective;
• Volunteering
• Social responsibility
• Ethical understanding
• Sharing
• Inclusion of young people to any kind of decision-making process and to social life.
• Cultural diversity
• Participation
• Entrepreneurship

Projects by: Trex-Evs

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

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