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Marine Jamkochian – ARMENIA

Business and Education Partnership Foundation

CON VALORES Network. October 19th. MatchUp©

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About Business and Education Partnership Foundation

“Business and Education Partnership” Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) is a non-profit organization, whose activities are aimed to implement programs for developing and improving the education sector in Armenia, as well as adapting vocational education to the needs of the labor market. In order to achieve the above goals, the BEP Foundation implements joint programs and events in cooperation with various local and international organizations.
The activities carried out by the Foundation, since 2018, are aimed at supporting the continuous development of the RA educational system and increasing its efficiency, development and implementation of innovative educational models and mechanisms based on advanced international experience, as well as ensuring the promotion of professional learning outcomes.
The implementation of these development processes would be impossible without our partners – state and non-governmental organizations, international and foreign organizations, local self-government bodies, businessmen, VET institutions, with which the Foundation intends to expand cooperation.

Our main objectives
The main objectives of the activities implementing by the Foundation are as follows:
 to establish and promote cooperation with the economy and educational institutions;
 to encourage the active involvement of business sector in the educational system;
 to organize the preparation for the transition from educational institutions to the labor market;
 supporting the professional orientation of young people (students/schoolchildren) and directing them to the labor market;
 to strengthen the teaching-methodological and material-technical base of the educational institutions;
 lobbying law changes;
 to implement programs aimed at improving professional education, bringing professional education in line with the requirements of the labor market, etc.

Projects by: Business and Education Partnership Foundation

Project 1

Project 2

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