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Vanco Trajkovski – MACEDONIA

ADRA Macedonia

CON VALORES Network. October 19th. MatchUp©

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About ADRA Macedonia

ADRA’s responsibility is to be the voice of justice, compassion and love. Through its active network of ADRA offices, it operates in more than 130 countries, where it develops programs according to local needs
Our motto is JUSTICE, COMPASSION, LOVE. In that direction, our mission is to provide long-term development and help in emergency situations.
Main fields of action are:
– Disaster relief
– Education
– Health
– Humanitarian and social support
In North Macedonia ADRA is working from 1993. In the past years we have implemented projects connected with refugees, different catastrophes (flood, migrants crisis).
In the last 5 years we are working on developing rights of youth and woman in North Macedonia.
Our main funds are from World Bank, Ministry of social welfare, ADRA International, Ministry of foreign affairs’ of Slovenia, European aid funds.

Projects by: ADRA Macedonia

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

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