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Abdullah Sultan – TURKEY


CON VALORES Network. October 19th. MatchUp©

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SYCAC, established in Turkey in 2012, functions as a non-profit, non-governmental civil society organization. Its primary mission is to foster resilient communities through early recovery initiatives, supporting civic spaces, and empowering communities with capacity-building programs. Moreover, SYCAC is committed to advancing the leadership of women and marginalized groups in peace processes, striving to create democratic societies that uphold and honor human rights.
SYCAC mainly targets and supports conflict-affected communities, including refugees, displaced people, and vulnerable host communities, aimed at addressing the complex challenges faced by those affected by conflict and displacement. Such support involves a range of interventions and assistance to alleviate suffering, promote resilience, and restore dignity to those impacted by conflicts.
SYCAC currently implements an EU grant which was designed and implemented as a response to some of the major challenges and shortcomings faced by the Syrian communities across the country. The project rests on the idea that Syrian civil society actors within the country, including community leaders, grassroots activists, and members of civil society organizations can act as catalysts for positive social change and building a more peaceful and democratic future for Syria. Based on this idea, the project involved the following activities:
• Conducting capacity needs assessments for CSOs representatives, civil society actors (grassroot activists and community leaders to identify the level of knowledge of individuals and identify the knowledge gaps that they have.
• Training and coaching sessions for CSOs representatives, civil society actors, grassroot activists, and community leaders to enable them to have the required skills and tools to participate in the subsequent activities of the project.
• Engaging the participants with peer-to-peer learning sessions to raise their knowledge and exchange of administrative, legal, and operational experiences aligned with advancing networking between the participants
• Coordination meetings among the participants of the peacebuilding club to contribute to building the structure and developing plan of implementation
• Carrying out advocacy campaigns to make their voices heard

SYCAC regularly applies for EU grants for calls related to Turkey, Syria, or the wider region to support conflict-affected communities in their struggle to achieve peace and social cohesion. SYCAC welcomes opportunities to join in consortiums either as project lead or co-applicant.

Projects by: SYCAC

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

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