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Daniela Eletti – Spain

La Xixa

CON VALORES Network. October 19th. MatchUp©

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About La Xixa

La Xixa Teatre is a non-profit organisation created in 2010, oriented towards the research, development and multiplication of theatrical tools and popular education as a means of social transformation.

Objectives and values: We carry out workshops for diverse groups, training of trainers and artistic actions at local and international level around five main axes:
• Coexistence and active citizenship
• Interculturality, racism, xenophobia and social inclusion
• Education, school dropout, prevention of risky behaviours among young people
• Gender, equality policies and sexual diversity
• Heritage, sustainability and the fight against climate change

The mission of La Xixa Teatre is to facilitate the creation of empowerment spaces through Participatory Methodologies, Artistic Mediation, Process-Oriented Psychology and the Theatre of the Oppressed to generate processes of individual and collective transformation.

Specifically, the aims of the association are:
1. Facilitate access to culture, art and participation as a fundamental right
2. Promote permanent interaction with other organizations and groups that share related objectives and create a network at national, European and international level
3. Assume an active role in projects aimed at promoting participation and problem solving
4. Put our methodologies at the service of the visibility and problem solving of different forms of discrimination and social inequality, and multiply our tools.

To achieve its aims, the organisation carries out the following activities:
1. Creation, staging and dissemination of theatrical products
2. Training for professionals interested the methods developed by the organisation
3. Dissemination of the previously mentioned techniques at a social level and to specific groups as needed
4. Lifelong learning of the members of the organisation
5. Research, systematization, documentation and dissemination of creative processes and experiences to promote new and interdisciplinary knowledge
6. Individual accompaniment to people and group facilitation

La Xixa has internal procedures to assure the quality of its processes and full compliance with international standards and the 2030 Agenda, including an inclusivity, gender equality and interculturality policy, a sustainability protocol, a data protection protocol and a participant protection protocol.

La Xixa carries out around 90 workshops and trainings every year and presents over 40 Forum Theatre performances in the fields of formal and non-formal education, with the participation of around 2,250 people.

We are currently involved in about 20 projects, including KA2 in the field of adult education, youth and school education (as partners and project coordinators), but we are/have been involved also in CERV and Capacity Building projects. Moreover, we work in international cooperation, national and local projects .

Projects by: La Xixa

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

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